OceansAlaska Oyster Facility Up & Running

KETCHIKAN — Just a few days old, the tiny oysters growing in tanks at OceansAlaska's new float in George Inlet represent a big milestone for the Ketchikan-based organization — and huge potential for the mariculture industry in Alaska. Mariculture, also known as ocean farming, focuses on cultivating marine life in its natural habitat

"When you start to think of the big picture, it's pretty amazing really," said Dave Shupert, an industry expert who's been working with OceansAlaska on the oyster project.

It's the first time in Alaska that oysters are being grown from the larval stage to the "seed" size ready for shipment to oyster growers.

The project also is generating information about the cost and technology involved in operating a mariculture hatchery and nursery facility in the region.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Ketchikan Daily News