AMHPAC Proudly Sponsors Third CEDETECH Center In Mexico

Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico — With the goal of providing increased opportunities for Mexican companies within the Protected Agriculture industry for advanced technology resources and integrated talent development services, AMHPAC (Mexican Protected Horticulture Association) in partnerships with the Mexican Department of Agriculture, CONACYT (National Science and Technology Council) and CYCASA (consulting services firm dedicated to improve competitiveness of rural companies) are proudly sponsoring the third CEDETECH Center (Technological and Integrated Human Services Development Center for Protected Agriculture) to open in summer of 2012.   

Since 2009, CEDETECH has been dedicated to help small, medium, and large agricultural-related companies to achieve better levels of competitiveness through the implementation of customized industry technology and talent development with research and seminars.

While the first two CEDETECH Centers are located in the states of Queretaro and Jalisco, the new technological and integrated Human Services Development Center for Protected Agriculture will be built in the State of Sinaloa, in the City of Culiacan. The Sinaloa region of Mexico has had the most significant growth in Protected Agriculture over the last ten years, accounting for more than half of the total production in this sector.    

“We are extremely proud to introduce the new CEDETECH Center since it will offer our grower members the opportunity to learn new ag technologies while getting their staff trained on the essentials such as strategic planning, organic production, administration and finance, government regulations, quality standards and marketing; all related to protected agriculture” said Eric Viramontes, general manager for Culiacan, Sinaloa based AMHPAC.  Viramontes also commented, “I welcome other industry organizations to review the CEDETECH model – North America must continue innovation for the sector”.     

According to SAGARPA, the Mexican Department of Agriculture, the Mexican Protected Agriculture industry represented nearly 37,000 acres in 2011, a significant increase when compared to the 24,670 acres in 2008. In addition, this industry generates more than 80,000 direct jobs annually and approximately 10,000 temporary jobs in Mexico and nearly 9,000 jobs in the US. Therefore, there is an ongoing need for this evolving labor force to be trained and educated about the different business areas within Protected Agriculture.  

“One of the major capital investments this new CEDETECH Center will make is for leading edge research and technology transfer programs to Mexican companies dedicated to the production of vegetables under Protected Agriculture environments. In the areas of production, food safety and marketing, our goal is to provide outstanding and ongoing education and training for professionals in these fields.” commented Miguel Trejo Luna, CEO of CEDETECH Center.

AMHPAC continues to pave the way for their grower members to become synonymous for excellence in Protected Agriculture; by developing strategic alliances with recognized national and international organizations, also providing on-going technical, training, and financial resource support to its members and by promoting the quality and safety that distinguish Mexican vegetables grown in protected environments as superior.     


AMHPAC is the leading Mexican protected agriculture industry association, representing over 250 grower members in 25 of the 32 Mexican states who are involved in the production, packaging, distribution and marketing of fresh vegetables grown under hothouses, shade houses and other indoor environments.  AMHPAC growers account for 75% of Mexico’s exports to the U.S. and Canada where combined production represents more than 19,000 acres with an annual output of approximately 1,150,000 tons.  

Source: AMHPAC