D.S. Cole Growers Offers Pre-Release Trials Of Selecta Osteospermum

D.S. Cole Growers of Loudon, NH is offering new varieties of Selecta Osteospermum as a trial combination. Included in the combination are the new Selecta varieties 3D Coral Sand, 3D Berry White, Zion Apricot Pink and Zion Red.

The combinations will be shipped as two 51-count trays making a total of 102 cells and are available in weeks 10 through 12 of this season. These varieties are only available for a short time as a pre-release.

Full availability will be in 2012-2013. Order through one of the following brokers: Ball ColorLink, Ball Seed Co., Fred C. Gloeckner Co, Henry F. Michell Co., McHutchison, Park Seed Co. and Syngenta Horticultural Services.


Source: D.S. Cole Growers