Grower-Shipper Association Foundation's Ag Knowledge Program Accepting Applications For Class VI

Salinas, CA – The Grower-Shipper Association Foundation announces that applications are being accepted for Fellows to the 2012 Ag Knowledge program now through February 24, 2012. Community members are encouraged to apply to this nine-month executive leadership program focused on educating its students about the heritage, diversity, stewardship, complexity of Monterey County agriculture and the interdependencies of agriculture, local government, and the community.

Courses focus on issues affecting and influenced by the local agricultural industry, including food safety and security, labor and immigration, technology, marketing, conservation, urban/agriculture interfacing, air, water and much more. More than twenty fellows spend one Friday a month over the course of the program attending forums and visiting farms, processing facilities and meeting leaders and innovators in the industry. One of the program’s most popular facets includes a “day on the farm” with a local grower.

Applications for the 2012 Ag Knowledge program are available at the Grower-Shipper Association Foundation (GSAF) website: on the AgKnowledge page. All applications must be received by February 24, 2012 in order to be considered. Contact the GSAF at 831-422-9007 with any questions.

Source: Grower-Shipper Association of Central California