Jungle Jim’s In Clermont County, OH Builds The Spectacular

UNION TOWNSHIP — Its opening still months away, the new Jungle Jim’s International Market in Clermont County is looking a lot from the outside like, well, Jungle Jim’s.

In a word: eclectic.

“We’re going through our checklist for Grocery Stores for Dummies,” joked Phill Adams, director of development for the specialty grocery store. “Remember those yellow and black (Dummies) books? We happened to buy one that mixed up the amusement park and grocery store.”

What you see now: A 170-foot bridge that will support a former Kings Island monorail train appears to be bursting out of a big Jungle Jim’s sign. “People think we’re moving the (train) from Fairfield over here. That’s not true. We’re just bringing over one of the spare trains we have,” Adams said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Cincinnati Enquirer