World Floral Expo is back in the the Big Apple, the city where the trade show started off back in 1999. Yes, under a different name and indeed under very different circumstances, since the reason for moving to Miami were the tragic 911 events that forced the successful flower show to continue else where. World Floral Expo is a pure cut flower trade event with the typical triangle chain concept as the leading philosophy behind it: breeder<=>grower<=> buyer.
The trade show takes place in the Jacob. K. Javits Center, New York’s biggest and most prestigeous Exhibition Center along the Hudson river in the heart of NYC, in Manhattan. Over 100 companies from more then 30 countries will participate and exhibit their newest and best grown flower varieties during the three day event. The Javits will for a few days be the centerpoint for the world cut flower industry housing all 4 important flower producing continents i.e. North America, South America, Africa & Europe The event is a professional business event focusing on each and every buyer of fresh cut flowers. From the smallest florist to the biggest retail chain stores, importers and whole salers within the USA and Canada. The show will run from Wednesday March 14 through Friday March 16 with daily show hours from 10:00 hrs – 18:00 hrs.
For visitor pre registration, please go to
Source: HPP Exhibitions Holland