It’s gazing at you from billboards, leering at you in deli cases, peeking out from your drive-through biscuit.
Is there a better gauge of America’s mood right now than the surge in bologna?
At the North Carolina-based chain Biscuitville, bologna biscuits are so popular that they have moved from a seasonal offering to a permanent spot on the menu. Hardee’s and Bojangles’ went head-to-head with bologna-biscuit specials this summer. (The biscuits did so well that Bo stretched the special out a week longer than planned, ending it Sept. 19, and Hardee’s may stick with it into the winter.)
Fried bologna sandwiches are on menus all over the Charlotte area – Pinky’s Westside Grill, the Diamond and the Penguin, Midwood Smokehouse. In Raleigh, they’re at the Market Grill and Community Deli.
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