RedLine Solutions has been working with leading companies to automate Fresh Produce operations for over a decade. This webinar will offer you practical solutions on how to automate your packing shed to help you meet PTI Compliance, including how you can use a Vision System to identify carton contents for in-line print and apply on the packing line.
This session will cover what is required for a Packer Shipper to achieve PTI-compliant traceability for shed-packed product. By attending you will learn:
* What is required for PTI compliance?
* How to automate your packing shed for PTI compliance.
* The challenges and solutions for PTI compliance for shed-packed product.
* Using Vision Systems to identify carton contents of product on the packing line.
* An overview of RedLine Packing(tm), the latest solution in our Whole Chain Traceability Suite.
Join us for this Webinar on Wednesday September 28th at 11 AM PDT to learn how you can address your PTI compliance requirements in a timely and practical manner.
Click here for more details and registration . Register now, space is limited.
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Source: RedLine Solutions