Ornamentales Sapo Verde, Starts MPS-ABC Sustainable Certification Program

Ornamentales Sapo Verde, the Costa Rican growing operation for ForemostCo, of Miami, FL has begun participation with MPS-ABC. The 138 acre farm produces cuttings, both rooted and unrooted, of many foliage and flowering plants. They have long been aware of their environmental impact, reserving many acres of their farm to reforestation, but now as they begin participating in MPS, they receive the benefits of the MPS reports concerning the use of chemicals, water, fertilizers and energy. Says Rolando Mejia, General Manager of OSV, “A benefit of the MPS system is that we are more aware of our actual use of water and chemicals, and approach each application with even more discipline.”

The farm has 65 employees and produces over 3 million cuttings each year. In the future, OSV is looking forward to proudly displaying the MPS-ABC logo on their marketing materials and packaging, for Rolando believes that growing with a careful eye on the environmental impact of the farm is becoming more important every year, and he sees it as the future of the Ornamentales Sapo Verde Farm. ForemostCo Inc. is a leader in the worldwide business of growing and distribution of young plants.

More information

For more information, please contact Rosie Batista at Rosie@ForemostCo.com or 786 265-1377 or visit the website: www.foremostco.com/ornamentales_sapo_verde.

MPS is proud to have quality growers such as Ornamentales Sapo Verde in their program and welcomes grower inquires in Central and South America to Arthij van de Veer, at A.vd.Veer@brasil.my-mps.com or in North America to their west coast coordinator, Charlotte Smit at (805) 524-9685, c.smit@usa.my-mps.com, or to the east coast coordinator, Sandy Hering at (508) 758-3008, s.hering@usa.my-mps.com

Source: MPS