California is a mixture of micro climates that produce a variety of tang, saltiness and seasonings that waft through the atmosphere awaking your senses. The aromas of the countryside are now coming to life. The sun's warmth is drying out soggy hills and meadows, a combination of smells and fragrances, burying the dread of winter and adding a breath of freshness to the season ahead.
Restaurants produce their own micro climates of smells and fragrances. Last Sunday I stopped into a small local grocery store. Although their deli was in full swing, the smells wafting through the air were offensively stale. I left without purchasing anything.
Two days earlier I sat on the patio of a local Crepevine Restaurant, ordered lunch and was eventually chased away by fumes spewing out of the sewer grate located in the center of the patio.
The essence of a restaurant is often defined by its sapidity. While walking from the front door to the back door of any restaurant, a trained nose experiences a variety of seasonings that either tease taste buds or turn off the desire to sample a simple morsel.
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