10th Anniversary Of Certified iGarden Training Program

Sycamore, IL  – What are more than 7,000 independent garden center employees doing this month? Most likely they’re watching the Proven Winners® Certified iGarden Training video and then taking the online test. March 1st marked the 10th year that Proven Winners has offered an employee training program exclusive to independent garden centers with more  than7,000 employees completing the program last year.

The process is simple. Garden center owners and managers log into the Proven Winners® site (pwcertified.com) using their Brand Champion id# and password while indicating how many employees they will have completing the program. Retailers and their employees can watch the video as a group, or individually, and then each completes an online questionnaire. Once everyone has finished the process, the employees will each receive a free Proven Winners® iGarden t-shirt, and the garden center can print out their iGarden Certificate along with a press release for use with their local media. DVD’s are also available for large groups, as well as paper copies for those without Internet access by contacting our main office at 877-865-5818.

Garden centers benefit by having employees who are up-to-date on industry trends and new plant varieties, while garden center managers and owners come away with different merchandising ideas from Judy Sharpton. Best of all, retailers who complete the iGarden certification process will find their names listed first on the Proven Winners retailer locator site, a definite benefit when it is considered how last year over 600,000 gardeners referred to this resource when looking for the Proven Winners brand.

Source: Proven Winners