DENVER (February 17, 2011)—Two US dehydrated potato seminars for the catering industry in the Philippines created new understanding of the profitability of dehy potatoes and spurred immediate new sales. A local importer, Dane Commodities, reported sales jumped following the seminars as the participants were inspired to test US dehy in their own kitchens.
Conducted by the United States Potato Board (USPB), the day-long seminars were held January 27-28, 2011, in Manila, Philippines. Twenty catering companies—represented by 35 people—learned how to improve profitability by saving time and money with high quality US dehydrated potato (dehy) products. Led by Chef Jill Sandique, a celebrity chef and member of the USDA Council of Chefs, the hands-on workshop led participants through the preparation of mashed potatoes using fresh, local potatoes and US dehydrated potatoes.
“By having them compare the personnel, time, fuel, water and storage space involved in preparing fresh potatoes versus the ease of using US dehydrated potatoes, we gave them firsthand experience on how quick and convenient US dehy is,” commented Teresa Kuwahara, USPB International Marketing Manager–Dehy.
The seminar also highlighted US dehy’s high quality, versatility and ability to deliver a consistent product every time. Participants used the US dehydrated potatoes to prepare several dishes, giving them an opportunity to handle the product and then taste the results.
When asked what else the participants learned, one person said, “When you add water to dehy, you don’t get cut!” as she held up her finger with a bandage on it. She had cut her finger while peeling fresh potatoes, which led to a food safety discussion.
Overall, catering and food manufacturing companies expressed excitement about US dehy, and showed they understood the seminar’s message regarding its versatility. Several companies requested additional information and recipes, including a company called Chili Billy (Mexican recipes), Claudia's Kitchen (Chinese recipes) and Philippine Nutrifoods (baby food/weaning formula).
Participant Imelda Go, owner of Chef's Nook, noted, "The hands-on cooking seminar was infinitely more educational than brochures and statistics."
Another participant from Albergus Catering said US dehy was a solution to their problem. This company allocates a considerable amount of personnel time to preparing mashed potatoes, and noted that working with US dehy opened their eyes to a quick and easy alternative.
Source: USPB