Bee a Winner and Get Your Garden Buzzing

Enter Monrovia’s 2025 pollinator plant and new Grand Prize giveaways for two chances to win

It’s time to get your garden buzzing by entering for a chance to win in Monrovia’s 2025 Bee a Winner pollinator plant giveaway.

In partnership with local garden centers, Monrovia is hosting the Bee a Winner giveaway to help homeowners create beautiful and abundant gardens. The contest timing is regional, and runs April 21-30, with winners announced May 5 in the South and Southwest (GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, AZ) and from May 19-28 with winners announced June 5 in the rest of the country.

“More and more gardeners are telling us they want their outdoor spaces to be eye-catching while also playing a role in attracting and feeding pollinators,” says Katie Tamony, chief marketing officer at Monrovia.

To enter the Bee a Winner giveaway and a chance to win a pollinator-friendly plant from Monrovia, you simply scan the QR code from your local garden center to access the entry form. During the process, you are also be given the option to join your local garden center’s email list to be in-the-know about local plant opportunities.

New this year is a second chance to win a Grand Prize. Monrovia’s Grand Prize nationwide Instagram giveaway will offer 3 lucky winners a $500 shopping spree at the winner’s selected Bee a Winner location. To enter the grand prize giveaway, you must take a picture of your local garden center’s in-store display or a Monrovia plant, then tag the garden center’s location or social media handle. The winning picture will be shared on Monrovia’s Instagram stories. 

“This giveaway is a great way for people to jumpstart or continue establishing their gardens to attract their favorite pollinators,” says Tamony. 

Monrovia has so many expertly grown plants to bring more buzz to your garden. Here are a few Monrovia favorites for attracting pollinators:

Anouk Purple Medley Lavender Adored by bees and producing a lovely aroma, this lavender with dark violet flower spikes and clear purple flags is a win for any pollinator-loving gardeners. This full-sun perennial would be a great option for containers or for landscape. Recommended for Zones 6-9. 

Major Wheeler Coral Honeysuckle If pollinators are what you’re wanting in your garden, honeysuckles are a top choice!This fast-growing vine is perfect for covering fence posts, arbors or trellises, and its beautiful blazing red and gold blooms stick around all summer and into fall to create a buzz-worthy display. Even the stems showcase their beauty, starting as red to purple and turning greenish brown with age. Recommended for Zones 4-8, this honeysuckle thrives in high humidity and is mildew resistant.

Sunseekers™ Coneflower
Want a pollinator-friendly perennial to double as a stunning display in the garden and a cut flower in a vase? SunseekersConeflower is the perfect solution with its abundant semi-double blooms that cover the plant throughout the summer. These showy blooms have nectar-rich cones in the center, surrounded by layers of petals that come in several colors: Pumpkin Pie (pictured), Golden Sun, White Perfection, Sweet Fuchsia and Rainbow. Recommended for Zones 4-9. 

Nitty Gritty® Rose Nitty Gritty® Roses are not only beautiful, they also bring the garden to life with pollinators. This durable rose collection is low maintenance and disease resistant, making it as easy to care for as any flowering shrub. Nitty Gritty®produces an abundance of double blooms all season long. Plus, it comes in several colors, including Peach (pictured), Pink, White, Red and Yellow. Recommended for Zones 4-9. 

Harlequin™ Beardtongue This dramatic penstemon brings spikes of pretty purple blooms to the garden, along with valuable nectar for pollinators. The vigorous, busy, compact habit makes this an excellent choice for borders, rock gardens and containers. The tube-shaped flowers attract hummingbirds in the garden and have a long vase life in arrangements. Recommended for Zones 5-9. 

SunBelievable® Brown Eyed Girl HelianthusBees, butterflies and other pollinators love the nectar-rich flowers that bring bright color to garden all summer long. This heat-tolerant annual sunflower produces more than 1,000 flowers in a single season. The sunny yellow petals feature a dash of rich red surrounding the large brown centers. It’s an excellent choice in borders and containers. 

Need design help or more ideas for inviting pollinators to the garden? Visit to view the Hummingbird Garden Landscape Planand explore our Habitat Garden Plans

About Monrovia
Inspired by the beauty of plants, gardens, and landscapes everywhere, Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. founded Monrovia in 1926 to be a premier grower of shrubs and trees. Monrovia collaborates with plant breeders around the world to introduce improved plant varieties to North America. Monrovia plants flourish once planted to beautify gardens and landscapes. Please visit to learn more.