New Hass Avocado Board Film Captures the Impact and Value of Strategic Promotion    

MISSION VIEJO, Calif. – A new film about the avocado industry’s success at driving demand nationwide documents the local as well as global impact of the national marketing program led by the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) since its inception over 20 years ago. Independent researchers from the University of California, Davis found strategic promotion helped drive over 260% growth of U.S. avocado consumption while all fresh fruit consumption only rose by 9% during the same timeframe. Growers in California and the surrounding communities that benefit from their business activity have a lot to celebrate as researchers found evidence that with continued investment in research and marketing, the industry is poised for even more growth.

There has been tremendous amounts of hard work and collaboration across the industry to transform avocados from being a misunderstood specialty fruit to today’s produce aisle powerhouse. Avocado Nation: An American Success Story, now streaming at, looks at how the business opportunity for growers, including over 3,000 avocado producers in California, has transformed since the Hass Avocado Promotion, Research and Information Order (HAPRIO) created the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) in 2002. Feedback like the comments below underscore the impact.

“My family has been growing avocados for multiple generations,” said Chuck Bandy, a southern California producer for more than 35 years. “I appreciate that because HAB takes care of keeping demand high through promotion, I can focus on being hands-on in the groves doing my part to add value and security for my family and community.”

“Mother Nature serves up plenty of curve balls to California growers,” commented Bob Schaar, HAB Chairman and southern California grower for over 25 years who had to replant his avocado grove after a fire destroyed it in 2007. “HAB’s continued success at using our incredible nutrition story to drive sales without having to discount fuels my excitement and confidence in the future, so I keep charging ahead with a positive outlook.”

“There are hundreds of people involved behind-the-scenes of California’s avocado industry,” said Scott Bauwens, a northern California grower and 23-year operations veteran. “We all count on each other and HAB to keep profits up so there’s a lot to be proud of when I see in the report that we achieved an ROI of 247% over the last two decades.”

Without the Hass Avocado Board and the member organizations’ ongoing support to grow consumption, the U.S. avocado industry might have faced diminished demand, increased supplies, and lower prices for producers and importers. Stakeholders across the supply chain can learn more about how HAB’s efforts have a positive effect on the whole industry and view the film at

About The Hass Avocado Board   

The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) exists to help make avocados America’s most popular fruit. HAB is the only avocado organization that equips the entire global industry for success by collecting, focusing, and distributing investments to maintain and expand demand for avocados in the United States. HAB provides the industry with consolidated supply and market data, conducts nutrition research, educates health professionals, and brings people together from all corners of the industry to collectively work towards growth that benefits everyone. The organization also collects and reallocates funds to California and importer associations to benefit specific countries of origin in promoting their avocado brands to customers and consumers across the United States.