Lidl Puts a Sustainable Spin on Classic Meat Product

Minced meat mix with pea protein is a first on store shelves: 37.5% less CO2 and 33% cheaper than ground beef.

Lidl is the first supermarket to introduce partially plant-based mince. This mince mix consists of 60% minced beef and 40% pea protein and tastes the same as mince that consists entirely of beef. Lidl wants to motivate mince lovers to choose mince with a lower environmental impact. In addition, the mince mix is ​​also cheaper than minced beef. 

Minced meat mix: 60% beef, 40% pea protein, 100% flavour 
Lidl deliberately opts for an innovation in minced meat because this is a popular item*: half of the Dutch eat minced meat every week. It is also a popular product among families with children. The minced meat mix is ​​available from today in all Lidl stores in a 300 gram package for €2.29. 

Geert de Vries, Lidl buyer: “I am proud of the product we have developed: a classic meat product in a new guise. With this minced meat mix you can make the most delicious pasta bolognese, but also a classic meatball. The taste is the same, but the environmental impact and price are lower. The development took quite a while. We wanted to develop a minced meat mix that contains less meat, but retains the taste. I dare say that even for the real meat lover this minced meat mix is ​​indistinguishable from regular minced meat.” 

Price reduction plant-based basic groceries 
Lidl has the ambition to increase the sales of plant-based protein sales to 60% by 2030. That is why a permanent price reduction has been implemented on plant-based basic groceries as of today. These are now equal to or lower than the prices of the animal variant. This concerns meat substitutes and dairy substitutes such as plant-based quark, yoghurt, cheese and oat fraîche. In this way, the price is never an obstacle for our customers to make the more sustainable choice. 

Martine van Haperen, Proveg: ” Lidl is taking two important steps. Price is the main obstacle for people to choose plant-based more often. The step to make plant-based products the same price or cheaper than meat and dairy removes that obstacle. Also, not everyone wants to eat meat substitutes or legumes. By introducing a hybrid product, just in the meat section, they really appeal to the meat eater. They don’t even have to change their consumption pattern. This is a valuable addition that really gives Lidl the opportunity to influence the protein ratio. ”