EPA: Identifying Sustainable Food Service and Food Service Ware

When looking to make your food service sustainable, there are many options to consider. This webpage provides some resources on sustainable food service practices (e.g. food and beverage offerings, waste management options, energy and water efficient operations, etc.) as well as some of the products that may be provided under these services (e.g. plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, take-out containers, etc.).

Sustainability Considerations

EPA Recommended Standards & Ecolabels

Food Service

  • Reduction of single-use plastic in beverage offerings.
    • Preferred options include beverage refill stations with reusable cups or single-use aluminum beverage containers.
  • Energy & water efficient equipment operations.
  • Waste diversion programs (i.e. waste reduction, materials recycling, composting and food donation).
  • Bulk servicing (i.e. bulk condiments rather than individual packets).
  • Green cleaning practices.
  • Integrated pest management/green pest control alternatives.
  • Look for products certified to one of EPA’s recommended standards and ecolabels in categories including cleaning products, trash bags, and paper towels.

Food Service Ware (plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, take-out containers, etc.)

  • First Choice: Reusable Food Service Ware
    • Reusable food service ware is the preferred choice because it will use less energy and fewer resources over its lifespan if an effective reuse system is developed and operated. Procurement of reusable food service ware can also save money over time compared to single-use options.
    • Purchase reusable food service ware certified to an environmental performance standard.
      • Reusable food service ware should be used in a system that enables repeated collection, washing, and return. 
      • If there is limited availability of certified reusables, purchase products made from ceramic, porcelain, glass, metal, or other durable, less toxic materials.

If reusables cannot be procured for all needed food service ware: