Allison Parker To Oversee USApple’s National Apple Month Program

Vienna, VA – As of December 1st, the National Apple Month (NAM) program will be overseen by Allison Parker, MS, RD, U.S. Apple Association’s (USApple) Director of Consumer Health and Education. National Apple Month is the only generic marketing and promotional program for the U.S. apple industry with the primary goal of encouraging consumers to enjoy more apples from all regions and all varieties. Supported by all segments of the industry, NAM promotions strive to increase apple industry sales and enhance consumer awareness and consumption of apples. NAM is an important and strong apple promotion program for the U.S. apple industry.

The NAM Committee of USApple provides primary oversight and direction for the program. Parker will provide staff leadership for the Committee. NAM will continue to remain a separately funded, separately accounted for, and self-sustaining program not supported by USApple membership dues or state assessments paid to USApple. If you are interested in member- or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Parker at 800-781-4443 or

Currently the National Apple Month Retail and Commissary Display contest is sponsored by J.M. Smuckers and Marzetti. The National Apple Month program sincerely thanks our sponsors for their commitment to partnering with the U.S. apple industry on this promotion in an effort to encourage consumption of healthy and delicious apples and apple products along with products that combine well with them like peanut butter and caramel dips.

Parker, a registered dietitian with a masters in nutrition communications from Tufts University, brings a background including both retail and community activities to the NAM program. Prior to joining USApple she worked for Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. in upstate New York where she served as the Buffalo Division Nutritionist. When asked about the new responsibility, Parker said “I’m excited to get my feet back into the retail environment. I see this new opportunity as another way to make sure we are moving the needle in apple and apple product sales. It’s also a chance to get consumers, retailers, direct markets and foodservice outlets to think about (and purchase) apples and apple products—especially their health benefits and their versatility in the kitchen—year-round.”

Source: National Apple Month