As the push for alternative sources of energy increases, coastal states look to harness the power of waves and tides. As The (Tacoma) News Tribune writes, scientists are concerned that electromagnetic fields produced by generators and transmission cables could disrupt the natural guidance systems of a variety of marine life.
"Before we put these power-generating devices in the water, we need to know how they will affect the marine environment," said oceanographer Andrea Copping of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. She and her colleagues are focusing on the effects of electromagnetic fields on salmon, Dungeness crab, halibut and American lobsters "because there is no scientific literature."
Other sea life whose navigation, migration, feeding or reproduction might be affected includes whales, dolphins, sharks, seals, sea lions, tuna and turtles.
Several wave-powered projects are on the drawing boards nationwide. Northwest planners estimate that underwater generation off Washington, Oregon and Northern California could deliver the power of about 50 nuclear plants. Other possible sites under study include Hawaii, Alaska's Cook Inlet, Florida, Maine, the Mississippi River near Baton Rouge and San Francisco.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: USA Today.