Ian Treuer’s daily commute is a short one; a mere 100 steps separate his residence and jobsite at Lakeside Farmstead, a dairy, beef and potato operation owned by Jeff and Coralee Nonay 30 minutes north of Edmonton.
In 2018, that operation expanded into the realm of cheese with Treuer, who first acted as facility design consultant before donning the cap of head cheesemaker. The mastery of rennets and cultures is not a new undertaking for Treuer who turned his hobby of cheesemaking into a profession a decade ago.
After tasting, testing and tweaking recipes for nearly a year, Lakeside Farmstead’s first cheese product, fresh curds, landed on store shelves in October 2020. A half-dozen other cheeses followed, including two types of soft ripened cheese and the world’s first Chaga Cheddar.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Eat North