Something big is coming to Maryland’s Eastern Shore, in the form of a 26-acre building filled with 500,000-gallon tanks. Inside the tanks, farm-raised Atlantic salmon will be harvested for sale across the United States.
A new partnership between Norwegian aquaculture company Aquacon AS and the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) will bring an entirely new industry to Maryland’s Eastern Shore: land-based salmon farms, in which the operation is entirely inside a massive warehouse where fish are grown with virtually zero waste.
The collaboration includes three phases of Eastern Shore facilities for an estimated $1 billion new industry. Each one comes with a $300 million investment. The first of the three facilities is to be built beginning in 2021 in Federalsburg, Caroline County, along Marshyhope Creek.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Chesapeake Bay Magazine