LEESBURG, Ind. — As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect businesses and workers across the U.S., Maple Leaf Farms is partnering with chefs and meal organizations to help feed furloughed employees and frontline healthcare workers.
The company has donated thousands of pounds of duck products to give back to its foodservice customers that have been affected by these hard times. Chefs across the country have stepped up to prepare nutritious meals with duck legs, duck breast and roast half duck for those in need. Maple Leaf Farms also plans to donate 10% of its e-commerce sales to furloughed and frontline personnel.
“In Chicago, we helped serve over 200 meals with Chef Jereme McGovern to restaurant workers and partnered with Chef Charles Webb to prepare meals for healthcare workers,” said Marketing Manager Olivia Tucker.
From Dallas to New York, Maple Leaf Farms has shown their appreciation to restaurants and the industry, and looks forward to helping in any way they can.
“We donated duck for Peking Duck Tacos to Furlough Kitchen in Dallas, who is serving up hot daily meals to anyone out of work during the COVID-19 crisis,” said Tucker. “We also partnered with a furloughed restaurant employee meal organization in New York, and have been highlighting restaurants with take-out duck dishes in our #DucktoYourDoor social media campaign.”
In addition to offering support to the foodservice industry, Maple Leaf Farms routinely donates duck and chicken products to Indiana organizations that serve families in need. The company recently gave nearly 6,500 pounds of poultry products to local food banks, which is nearly 35,000 portions.
About Maple Leaf Farms
Maple Leaf Farms, Inc. is North America’s leading producer of quality duck products, supplying retail and foodservice markets throughout the world with innovative, value-added foods. Founded in 1958, Maple Leaf Farms is a fourth generation family-owned company that also produces a line of value-added chicken products for retail and foodservice under the Milford Valley and Sandra’s brands. For more information, contact Maple Leaf Farms at 1-800-348-2812 or www.mapleleaffarms.com.