On 4 July 2019 Freshfel Europe and Aprifel launched their joint EU-funded digital-first campaign ‘Follow me to be Healthy with Europe’. The campaign aims to encourage young Europeans to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables to a minimum of 400g a day (WHO recommendation) via monthly challenges posed by online influencers. The campaign will run until end 2021 online under the hashtag #400gChallenge and was launched at the Eurockéennes music festival in Belfort, France.
The objective of the campaign is to increase awareness of the role that a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables plays in leading a healthy lifestyle to ultimately transform millennials’ dietary habits. The campaign will be present on social media (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) supported by a wide range of European e-influencers. The campaign’s slogan is in fact a double entendre. ‘Follow me to be healthy’ invites the audience to follow the campaign’s social media channels and to take part in the challenges put forward by the participating influencers. Via the call for action ‘Are you up to the #400gchallenge’ the campaign invites the target audience to increase their daily intake of fruit and vegetables to at least 400g per day and change their daily habits.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Freshfel