Strong Seafood Exports in January, Due to High Salmon Prices and a Weak Krone

“2024 seafood exports have got off to a good start. This is primarily due to increased salmon prices. Together with a weakened krone, this has led to the total export value setting a record high for January”, says Christian Chramer, CEO of the Norwegian Seafood Council.

National Fisheries Institute Breaks Its Own Membership Record 

2023’s New Member Expansion Continues in 2024  Reston, VA – At a time when there are great challenges within the sector, companies are uniting under the National Fisheries Institute’s umbrella to find collective solutions. In

Pennsylvania Beef Council’s “PA BEEF TO PA SCHOOLS” initiative Beefs-Up the School Lunch Tray

The Pennsylvania Beef Council (PBC) launched the “PA BEEF TO PA SCHOOLS” initiative in Fall 2022. Now in its second year, the program continues to build momentum and interest across the Commonwealth. The program is spearheaded by the PBC, your local Beef Checkoff at work, with additional funding support from the PA Department of Agriculture through an ag commodity promo grant. Additionally, local producers have also provided generous donations, as it remains a priority and passion to feed the next generation.

American Floral Endowment Surpasses $20 Million Milestone in Support of Floriculture, Calls for Continued Industry Support

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) is proud to announce a significant milestone in its journey to support the future of floriculture: Providing over $20 million in cumulative funding for industry research and education. For over 63 years, AFE has given unwavering dedication and support to floriculture. 

SAF Members Ask Lawmakers for Increased Floriculture Research Funding

Members of the Society of American Florists (SAF) will convene on Capitol Hill on March 19, 2024, to advocate for increased funding for floriculture research. The March 19 fly-in is a vital part of SAF’s new, elevated advocacy strategy, CAD 365, which facilitates targeted meetings between floral industry members and congressional offices multiple times a year to address key issues.