CORE Foodservice Acquires The Culinary Edge to Enhance Capabilities and Connectivity with Chain Restaurants

May 9, 2024 CORE Foodservice

With the TCE acquisition, CORE Foodservice now provides the top chain restaurants with a new level of strategic support to meet their ever-changing needs. CORE customers and clients will have access to TCE’s full suite of services, including restaurant creation, product and menu development, brand identity, operational design, and more.

Candor Expedite Unveils Pioneering Technology for the Food Industry

May 9, 2024 Candor Expedite

Candor Food Chain combines the company’s national shipping services with a unique technology – a fully reusable cold packaging solution that allows pallet and box-sized frozen and refrigerated shipments to go by regular transport and stay frozen or refrigerated for up to nine days.

Kurt Grinnell Aquaculture Scholarship Foundation Names New President: Jaiden Grinnell Bosick to Head up Organization Created to Carry Out Her Father’s Legacy

Jaiden Grinnell Bosick—one of Kurt Grinnell’s two daughters, who fishes commercially in Alaska—will not only lead the 12-person board but will continue to direct the KGASF’s Scholarship Selection Committee, a role she has filled since the organization was founded.

Successful Seafood Expo for ASC with Packed ‘Feed Responsibly’ Panel Event

With the theme ‘Feed Responsibly: Why Responsible Aquaculture Needs Responsible Feed’, key industry players shared how they are adopting the ASC Feed Standard to drive transparency, social and environmental improvements in feed supply chains.

New Study Explores Sustainable Floral Design Practices – Participate in the Survey Today!

The main objectives of the study are to explore the scope of sustainable practices currently being incorporated into retail floral businesses, understand perceived barriers, determine current feedback and questions that retailers are fielding from consumers on sustainable practices, and find opportunities for improved resources and education to fill any existing gaps.