Viral Shukla from Cornell University Takes Over as President of Institute of Food Technologists Student Association

Shukla is a PhD candidate in food science and technology at Cornell University where he is working to turn food waste streams into value-added food products. At Cornell, he serves as the president of the of the Food Science Product Development Club.

Seafood Nutrition Partnership Scales Successful ‘Fall in Love with Seafood’ Consumer Campaign

The aim is to continue to drive seafood consumption as well as strong return-on-investment for the suppliers, brands and retailers supporting the campaign. To date, the promotion has returned an average of $4 for every $1 invested in marketing.

Key Takeaways from Global Shrimp Forum (GSF)  2024: Transparency, Sustainability and Collaboration

Experts from ASC presented key topics that will drive environmental and social transformation in the global shrimp sector including climate change, human rights, feed, inclusivity in the supply chain and the Improver Programme by ASC.

Meat-Industry Equipment Goes to Auction on Sept. 26

September 12, 2024 Tiger Group

In a major opportunity for the meat industry, equipment from Strauss Brands’ Franklin plant is available in a Sept. 26 online auction by Tiger Group and Barliant Auctions.

Think Turkey Launches the Join Thanksgiving Student Fund

September 12, 2024 Think Turkey

From September 12-23, post-secondary student groups and faculty are invited to visit to apply to receive one of eight $2,500 grants towards their on-campus celebrations.