Japanese Ministry of Agriculture Grants New Approval for Broccoli Solutions

April 11, 2024 AgroFresh    

AgroFresh Solutions, Inc., a global leader in post-harvest solutions for fresh produce, is pleased to announce the approval by regulatory authorities in Japan of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), the active ingredient in SmartFresh, for use in broccoli and other key crops exported to Japan.

Verde Farms Brings Organic, 100% Grass-Fed Beef to Albertsons’ Mid-Atlantic Division

April 10, 2024 Verde Farms

Verde Farms, the pioneer and leading brand of organic, 100% grass-fed, 100% pasture-raised beef for almost two decades, proudly announces that Albertsons’ Mid-Atlantic Division, specifically ACME Markets and Safeway, will offer its beef products. This collaboration brings Verde’s premium beef products to 110 stores across the region beginning this month.

Chuck Hughes Calls for Canadians to Do It More Often

April 10, 2024 Turkey Farmers of Canada

If you’re only doing turkey a couple times a year and always the same way, Chef Chuck Hughes is here to show you all kinds of new techniques and everyday recipes to enjoy turkey morning, noon and night!

Cultivating Sustainability: María Flowers and LATAM Group Lead the Floral Industry Towards a Greener Future

The International Fresh Produce Association’s Floral Sustainability Task Force spearheads the efforts to help all members embrace climate smart practices. This month, we focused on an initiative from María Flowers, who provided a powerful case study for the industry.

Floriology Institute Announces Exciting New Organizational Expansion

April 10, 2024 Floriology Institute

Floriology® powered by BloomNet®, the premier education authority in floral design and business, announces a pivotal transformation within its organization. As we bid a fond farewell to Jackie Lacey, AAF, AIFD, CFD, PFCI, Floriology’s long-standing Director of Education, we welcome a new era under Angelyn Tipton, AIFD, PFCI, who will be stepping into lead Floriology education.