Bailey Innovates First Editions Shrub Concept for Europe

February 1, 2023 Bailey Nurseries

Bailey Nurseries is rebranding its First Editions® brand of shrubs and trees for the European marketplace.

USDA Sets Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Appalachian, Southeast, Florida Federal Milk Marketing Orders

February 1, 2023 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will hold a public hearing to consider proposals for the Appalachian, Southeast and Florida Federal milk marketing orders beginning Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. CT.

USDA Announces Appointments to the American Egg Board

February 1, 2023 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the appointment of 10 members and nine alternates to serve on the American Egg Board. Eighteen members and alternates will serve two-year terms and one member will serve a one-year term. The term of members and alternates members appointed to two-year terms start March 2023 and end March 2025.

Valentine’s Day is Around the Corner, Have you Started Planning?

February 1, 2023 BakeMark

Valentine’s Day is a crucial time for any bakery owner. It is a time when people are looking for the perfect treats to give to their loved ones, and it is a chance for you to showcase your bakery’s skills and creativity. With the right Valentine’s Day bakery planning, you can ensure that your bakery is prepared for the rush of customers, and you can take advantage of the opportunity to grow your sales.

Best Universities Announces 2023 Best Colleges With Baking and Pastry Arts Degrees

February 1, 2023 Best Universities

Best Universities’ latest publication includes new rankings of the best colleges with baking and pastry arts degrees in the nation.