Autonomous Grocery Trucks Roll Into London as Asda, Ocado and Wayve Test Tech

December 26, 2022 Mark Faithfull, Forbes

Londoners could have their groceries delivered by autonomous vehicles under plans being trialled in the U.K. capital.

2021-2022 California Avocado Marketing Performance Highlights

At the California Avocado Commission Board of Directors meeting in November, CAC provided its fiscal year 2021-22 marketing performance report, known as the Dashboard. A summary of that report — which covers activity in the areas of consumer advertising, social media, consumer public relations, brand advocates, retail and foodservice programs, trade advertising and public relations as well as research highlights — follows.

Statement by Jim Bair, President & CEO U.S. Apple Association Re: Unfinished Agriculture Labor Reform

December 26, 2022 U.S. Apple Association

“This week the Senate will adjourn without finishing its work. The House twice passed bipartisan legislation to reform our broken agriculture labor system and the Senate failed to act. A good bill passed the House, and a better one was introduced in the Senate. To get right up to the finish line – but not cross it – is a bitter pill to swallow when the bill would have improved the ag workforce picture by every measure.

New Jersey Department of Agriculture Honors School in Elizabeth for Fruit and Vegetable Program

New Jersey Department of Agriculture and USDA representatives presented Nicholas LaCorte-Peterstown School No. 3 in Elizabeth with the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program VIP Award last week. 

California’s Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Opens Dec. 31

December 23, 2022 Associated Press

After three delays, the commercial Dungeness crab season in California will finally open on New Year’s Eve, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife announced Thursday.