ProducePay and ALLCOT to Launch Industry-First Carbon Offset Program for Produce Growers

July 20, 2022 ProducePay

ProducePay, the marketplace transforming the global produce industry into a more connected and sustainable supply chain, has partnered with ALLCOT to create a carbon offset program developed specifically for growers of primary crops. ProducePay’s first-of-its-kind program is tailored for produce growers, who until now have not had the tools to participate in the rapidly growing voluntary carbon market—which is estimated to reach $50 billion by 2030. 

Jersey Fresh Shore Distribution to Feature Tomatoes

The New Jersey Department of Agriculture will highlight Jersey Fresh tomato season on Thursday afternoon, July 21, with special visits to the shore towns of Wildwood, Atlantic City and Seaside Heights where NJDA marketing staff will be on hand to distribute free Jersey Fresh grape tomatoes to beachgoers.

New Charter Service to Transport Fresh Blueberries from Chile to the United States Market During the Upcoming 2022-23 Season

Chilean fresh blueberry exporters have reached an agreement to implement a charter service to the U.S. market called the “Blueberry Express”.  This special service will begin in Week 49 and continue throughout the 2022-23 season, with less than 2 weeks transit time to the U.S. market.

FDA Shares Results on PFAS Testing in Seafood

July 19, 2022 FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made available testing results for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in seafood samples collected at retail. The FDA conducted this limited survey as a preliminary step to determine if a more targeted or larger seafood survey should be conducted. We tested 81 samples of clams, cod, crab, pollock, salmon, shrimp, tuna, and tilapia, most of which were imported to the United States. Using the best available science, the FDA evaluated individually the PFAS detected that have toxicological reference values.

GSA Launches BAP Consumer-Facing Website

July 19, 2022 Global Seafood Alliance

A new Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) consumer-facing website, a key piece of the Global Seafood Alliance’s (GSA) first-ever consumer marketing campaign, was unveiled today. The site features information on the BAP certification program, an introduction to aquaculture, seafood recipes and information on seafood’s positive effect on health and wellness. The site also links to a “how to find” page with direct connections to BAP retail and foodservice partners.