Higher Snow Crab Quota in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2022

Snow crab is one of Canada’s most profitable fisheries and is a significant economic driver in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. Due to Canada’s robust science and sustainable fishery management practices, the snow crab stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence is healthy and is showing signs of continued health. 

Australian Government Report Titled “Don’t Mince Words” Targets Plant-Based Labeling

The Australian Senate Committee with oversight of fisheries and agriculture issues has released a report, titled “Don’t mince words,” in which it recommends the development of a “National Information Standard that defines and restricts the use of meat category brands to animal protein products” only.

Missouri Poultry Industry Scrambles To Contain Avian Flu

Consumers have no health risk of getting avian flu if they eat poultry, but producers are anxious about the virus killing flocks and causing shortages and price increases.

Canada OKs Imports of Beef and Pork from Brazil

March 18, 2022 Reuters

Canada has approved the importation of beef and pork from Brazil, which had been blocked over health concerns, authorities from both countries said on Monday.

FloraLife Launches New Global Website with Comprehensive Industry Resources

March 18, 2022 FloraLife

FloraLife, a division of Smithers-Oasis Company, and worldwide leader in providing solutions throughout the flower journey from propagation to presentation, recently launched its new website, floralife.com, to provide a better experience for its users, along with a vast source of floral industry educational resources.