Vanguard International Shares South Africa Apple and Pear Season Update

February 11, 2022 Vanguard International

“We are still seeing growth in the apple and pear industry that can be attributed to the replanting of orchards that followed the drought the region had years previously. This along with the second great winter season replenishing all water reserves leaves South African growers with a very positive outlook for the 2022 season. ”

USDA Announces Appointments to the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

February 11, 2022 USDA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the appointment of seven members and 10 alternate members to serve on the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council.

Soli Organic to Build First Soil-Based Organic Indoor Farm in Seattle Area

February 11, 2022 Soli Organic Inc.

Soli Organic Inc., the nation’s only soil-based, controlled environment agriculture company delivering 100% USDA certified organic produce to more than 20,000 retail stores nationwide, today announced plans to build a new soil-based, controlled environment agriculture farm in Marysville, Washington. The 130,000 square-foot farm will supply 5 million pounds of affordable USDA certified organic herbs and leafy greens each year and support 150 local, well-paying jobs in the Seattle area.

APHIS Revises the Conditions for the Interstate Movement of Citrus Fruit from Areas Quarantined for both Sweet Orange Scab and Citrus Canker

February 11, 2022 USDA APHIS

“Effective immediately, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is revising the conditions for interstate movement of citrus fruit from areas quarantined for both sweet orange scab (Elsinöe australis, SOS) and citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis, CC) to allow movement of fruit to packing houses located in contiguous states that are not quarantined for either disease.”

Kalera to Go Public on NASDAQ through Merger with Agrico Acquisition Corp.

February 11, 2022 Kalera

Another vertical farming operation revealed its plans to hit Nasdaq by way of SPAC. This week, Florida-based Kalera announced plans to merge with Agrico Acquisition Corp. in a deal that values the agtech firm at $375 million. The move comes as plenty of excitement swirls around the category, though Kalera, which currently lists on the Euronext Growth Oslo exchange, has seen a notable stock price drop over the last year.