Federal Judge: Order Keeping Meatpackers Open Can’t Shield Tyson Foods in Lawsuit

A lawsuit claiming Tyson Foods’ negligence contributed to a Waterloo worker’s death is returning to state court after a federal judge rejected the company’s claims it was acting as directed by federal officials.

Agri Beef Gives $25,000 Worth of Meat to Idaho Foodbank

January 5, 2021 KVTB

Boise-based company Agri Beef is helping put meals on the tables of Idahoans in need with a donation of $25,000 worth of beef to the Idaho Foodbank.

Monrovia Introduces 2021 New Varieties

January 5, 2021 Monrovia

Spring of 2021 is on track to be another spectacular year for gardening. Homeowners who nurtured their connection to nature during the pandemic will likely be returning to the garden in record numbers again this spring. Monrovia is releasing exciting new varieties to meet the demand from consumers looking to add long-lasting beauty to their landscapes.

Family Business is a Part of Ohio’s Rich Cheese Making History

It may be surprising to learn that Ohio is actually the nation’s leading producer of Swiss cheese.

New Zealand-Made Cheeses Could Face Renaming Under New EU Rules

January 5, 2021 Dave Goosselink,

There could be some new names on your cheeseboards in summers to come if the European Union gets its way. It wants to stop Kiwi cheesemakers from using names like feta and gorgonzola.