Chilean Citrus Committee Releases Updated Season Forecast

Export volumes of lemons, navels and mandarins remain in line with the first 2021 forecast (98,000, 89,000 and 145,000 tons, respectively). With a total citrus forecast of 391,000 tons, Chile expects to ship roughly 85% of all volume to the U.S. market.

Summer Citrus From South Africa Attributes 2021 Season Success Due to Key Partners

Entering Week 27, Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA) announces a successful 2021 program serving the domestic market due largely to its long-term, strategic partnerships.

Naturipe Celebrates National Blueberry Month

July 8, 2021 Naturipe

Salinas, CA – Naturipe, the world’s largest producer of fresh blueberries, is geared up to support their grower owners in celebration of National Blueberry Month. The celebration is intended to kick off summer, which is

RM2 Opens New Hygienic Pallet Washing Facility in Birmingham, AL

July 8, 2021 RM2

The new location is also positioned for efficient asset returns from the Company’s retail partners. The Birmingham facility, which is operated in partnership with RM2’s logistics partner, Priority Global Express Inc., features a dedicated trailer parking area and a 1.2 million annual pallet washing capacity.

Pear Industry Elects New Officers for 2021-22 Season

July 8, 2021 Pear Bureau Northwest

On Thursday, June 3rd, the Northwest pear industry elected new officers during their annual meeting. With the confidence and support of the marketing organization, the newly elected officers to Pear Bureau Northwest (PBNW) will lead the board, and the elected officers to the Fresh Pear Committee (FPC) will lead the committee in accordance with Marketing Order 927: Pears Grown in Oregon and Washington.