Bridges Produce Offers a Full Line of Fresh Organic and Conventional Cranberries with New Massachusetts Loading Location

July 23, 2021 Bridges Produce

Bridges Produce has built their business on long term partnerships and their relationship with Fruit d’Or is no exception. The Bridges team has worked with Fruit d’Or, for over 24 years and has acted as their exclusive organic fresh cranberry sales representative in the United States for the last 7 years.

Texas Onion Industry Wraps Up First-Ever Marketing Campaign

The 2020 – 2021 Texas 1015 Sweet Onion (TX1015) marketing campaign has wrapped up for the season. This new marketing program of the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) was funded by a USDA Specialty Crop Grant administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture, and focused efforts directly on American consumers through a variety of platforms, engagements and awareness campaigns.

USHBC and Pagoda Celebrate the Arrival of USA Fresh Blueberries in China

After years of hard work and bilateral negotiation, consumers in China can finally enjoy fresh blueberries from the United States—the birthplace of modern blueberry cultivation.

Faux Fish Looks to Ride the Growing Wave of Alternative Meats

July 22, 2021 Ian Thomas, CNBC

Alt-meat has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years as consumers have started to change what they eat for a variety of reasons, ranging from concerns over climate change and sustainability to animal welfare and personal health benefits.

USDA Makes Pre-Solicitation Announcement for Section 32 Purchase of Pacific Seafood Items

July 22, 2021 USDA

Potential materials may include Pacific Whiting fillets, Pacific Rockfish fillets, and Pacific Salad shrimps. Purchases will be made under the authority of Section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, with the purpose to encourage the continued domestic consumption of these products by diverting them from the normal channels of trade and commerce.