Hatchery-Reared Selective-Breeding Mussels Lead Aqua-Industry More Sustainable, Profitable In New Zealand

July 23, 2021 Xinhua News Agency

Situated on a remote, quiet and scenic coast in Marlborough Sounds, South Island of New Zealand, SPATnz hatchery has made Greenshell mussel breeding hatchery more sustainable and profitable.

Virginia’s Bluefish Catch is Shrinking — So is the State’s Quota for Commercial Fisherman

July 23, 2021 Dave Ress, Daily Press

A long-term drop in Virginia’s commercial catch of bluefish has sparked a deep cut in the state’s share of the coastwide quota.

Celebrate Grilling Month with Barbecue At Home by Dickey’s New Craft Sausages

It’s National Grilling Month, and Barbecue At Home by Dickey’s­ is celebrating its favorite month of the year by rolling out a new line of artisan craft sausages!

OZO Expands Line of Plant-Based Proteins in Frozen and Fresh Aisle with New Delicious Alternatives of Family Favorites

July 23, 2021 Planterra Foods

Colorado-based Planterra Foods is expanding its portfolio of plant-based products in the fresh category by launching a variety of new items for families to have more options of convenient, delicious plant-based meals at home.

Matrix Meats Adds to Team as Interest in Cultivated Meat Grows

July 23, 2021 Matrix Meats

Matrix Meats, Inc., the leading developer of nanofiber scaffolds manufactured to support the production of clean cultivated meat products, is entering a new phase of growth with the addition of five new team members. The hiring surge marks an important milestone for Matrix Meats, which achieved record success in its oversubscribed seed stage round late last year.