Scherer Inc. Buys Out Idaho Company to Expand its Mill Operations

The acquisition aims to make Scherer one of the best mill/flaker/flour roll service centers in the nation. Scherer stated it will also be able to leverage and expand and work out of both its Caldwell, Idaho and Tea, South Dakota locations.

Governor Confirms: Lotus Bakeries Chooses Mebane Over Belgium for $62M Expansion

July 6, 2021 Alamance News

Lotus Bakeries, the Belgian company famous for its Biscoff carmelized cookies served on many airlines, has chosen Mebane for a $62 million plant expansion that will allow the production of additional lines of new products for the company. The plant expansion is also expected to add 90 new jobs to the Mebane facility.

TX Restaurant CEO Says the Price of Chicken has Rocketed From $55 a Case to $118 Amid the Labor Shortage

July 6, 2021 Markets Insider

A Texas chicken chain with eight restaurants recently paid $118 for a single 50lb case of chicken – up from its pre-pandemic price of $55, its CEO told Insider.

Subway Grasps for a Lifeline With Americans Shunning Aging Brand

Subway is one of the most recognizable names in the restaurant industry, and its more than 22,000 U.S. locations makes it the largest by store count, dwarfing even McDonald’s Corp. But its massive size obscures a simple fact: American tastes have changed.

NotCo Partners with Neighborhood Coffee Shops in NYC Offering Free NotMilk Cold Brew Latte Samples in July

July 6, 2021 NotCo

NotCo, creator of NotMilk™, the new plant-based milk that tastes and functions just like regular milk, announced a unique program in partnership with 100 small, locally-run, and independent coffee shops in NYC. During the month of July, participating cafes throughout the city will help New Yorkers beat the summer heat by offering more than 60,000 free NotMilk™ cold brew latte samples.