Globe Introduces New National Service Manager

January 20, 2020 Globe Food Equipment Company

Globe Food Equipment Company (Dayton, Ohio) is pleased to announce Dave Thornton has been promoted to National Service Manager.

Califia Farms Completes Landmark $ 225 Million Financing with Diverse Group of Global Investors

January 20, 2020 Califia Farms

Califia Farms announces it has completed one of the largest private capital raisings within the natural foods sector, through a $ 225 million Series D financing led by the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA).

“The American Masters of Taste” Again Honors Eggland’s Best with Gold Medal Seal

January 20, 2020 Eggland's Best

This prestigious award spans the Eggland’s Best portfolio, honoring EB Classic Eggs, Organic Eggs, Cage-Free Eggs, and Hard-Cooked Eggs. Each product was blindly judged and named superior tasting compared to other products within its category.

Happy Egg Co. Becomes The First and Only Whole30 Approved Egg Brand

January 20, 2020 Happy Egg Co.

Happy Egg Co., known for being the best-tasting, farmer’s market quality egg choice at the grocery store, continues its mission of helping consumers choose happy and healthy products for their home by becoming the first and only Whole30 Approved egg brand.

New Study Highlights Importance of Grain Foods in Infant Diets

January 20, 2020 Grain Foods Foundation

A new study recently published in Nutrients, a peer-reviewed medical journal of human nutrition, highlights the importance of grains as part of a healthy infant diet – and the potential risks of excluding them.