Recommit to Your 2020 Goals with a Bite of Just BARE Chicken

January 21, 2020 Just BARE® Chicken

Of the people that make New Year’s resolutions, close to 92% fail in their pursuit of positive change. Let’s be real — if New Year’s resolutions were easy, everyone would stick to them. But they aren’t. That’s why Just BARE® Chicken is committed to supporting consumers in their goals all year long.

Unlimeat from South Korea makes its Debut in the American Market

January 21, 2020 Zikooin

San Francisco, CA – South Korean based food manufacturing company Zikooin announced today that they are expanding their latest innovation in food technology, a 100 percent plant-based meat alternative called Unlimeat, in the US market this year.

Chrysal Introduces New Paper Sachet

January 21, 2020 Chrysal International

The growing challenge of plastics in the environment means it is more urgent than ever to find more sustainable solutions. We now introduce a new and fully recyclable Paper flower food sachet.

Full Speaker Line-Up Announced for AIPH Miami Spring Meeting 2020

The 2020 Spring Meeting of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) will be from 1st-4th March, in the National Hotel, Miami, USA. The focus will be on growing critical trading opportunities in America.

AmericanHort HortScholar Program Now Accepting Applications

January 21, 2020 AmericanHort

AmericanHort is now accepting applications for the 2020 HortScholar program. Students applying for this program can be enrolled in any horticulture-related program at any degree level. Applications will be accepted at until March 1, 2020.