After Significant Beta Results, Crisp Launches Groundbreaking Forecasting Platform for the Food Industry

January 28, 2020 Crisp

Crisp, the developer of the first food demand forecasting platform designed to reduce global food waste while increasing profitability for food businesses, announced today that its software platform is now available to food industry suppliers, distributors and retailers.

Multicultural Influences are Shifting American Appetites During the Super Bowl (and Beyond)

January 28, 2020 Nielsen

What’s on tap for your Super Bowl party this year? While potato skins, pizza, cheese sticks and American lager have a long-standing history with the big game, the growing Latinx* influence across the U.S. is inspiring many American football fans to swap their traditional fare for imported beer and jalapeño poppers.

Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc. Introduces New Pineapple Tags Highlighting Ongoing Sustainability Efforts

Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc., one of North America’s leading marketers and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, today announced the launch of an exciting new way to communicate its ongoing sustainability efforts.

New Variety for Berry Growers at Alpine Fresh and Berry Fresh

A new year begins with a new variety for berry growers at Alpine Fresh, Inc. and Berry Fresh, LLC. Their Sweet Karoline™ blackberries are making their market debut after seven years of research, development and market testing. The berry variety is distinguished for the remarkably sweet taste found in each and every berry.

USApple Selects 2020 Young Apple Leaders; Expands YAL Program with In-depth Training, Resources

January 28, 2020 U.S. Apple Association

The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today announced its class of 2020 Young Apple Leaders (YALs). Elevenaccomplished and aspiring young women and men were selected by the organization to join with, and learn from, USApple leaders and mentors throughout the year.