Silk Introduces New Plant-Based Half & Half Alternative

January 31, 2020 Danone North America

NEW Silk Dairy-Free Half & Half Alternative provides the neutral flavor and creamy texture that half & half lovers expect, but it’s completely plant-based. This is the first half & half alternative on the market to use oatmilk as part of its formulation, which offers a taste and texture that is reminiscent of traditional dairy milk.

American Egg Board Names Nate Hedtke Vice President of Market Development

January 31, 2020 American Egg Board

The American Egg Board this week named Nate Hedtke Vice President of Market Development. Hedtke will lead the AEB’s Market Development team and direct programs spanning manufacturing, foodservice, Eggs in Schools and exports.

Making Technology an Ingredient of Rich Products’ Growth

January 31, 2020 Matt Glynn, The Buffalo News

Yexi Liu enjoys visiting Rich Products’ plants around the world, meeting the employees and getting a feel for the local culture. Yexi Liu enjoys visiting Rich Products’ plants around the world, meeting the employees and getting a feel for the local culture.

How the BreadBot Caters To The Need For Ultimate Convenience and Freshness

January 31, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

Buying food online and other technological breakthroughs can make life much more convenient. But at the same time, consumers long for freshness, and for the experience they find in (offline) shops. And that’s where the BreadBot comes in.

Martin’s Potato Rolls Now Available in Texas Stores

Martin’s® Famous Potato Rolls and Bread announces retail geographic expansion into the Austin and Houston market.