Steak: What Consumers Know and Want

November 6, 2020 Beef Checkoff

Steaks are top of mind for consumers, in fact, 48% of consumers eat a steak on a weekly basis, according to research recently conducted by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff.

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Bluezone By Middleby Patented Indoor Air Purification System Now Available

November 6, 2020 Middleby

The Middleby Corporation (NASDAQ: MIDD) today announced the launch of Bluezone by Middleby, a patented, advanced technology for indoor air purification. Middleby recently entered into an exclusive licensing agreement and made an investment in Bluezone Products Inc.

Plant-Based Prepared Meals are Ripe with Opportunity, Finds New Market Research Report

November 6, 2020 Packaged Facts

Marketers of plant-based meat products should focus on convenience when marketing to consumers, as regular consumers of plant-based meat and people who have not really eaten these products are more likely to look for prepared meal options when strapped for time.

Bowery Farming Announces $ 20,000 Donation To The Maryland Food Bank

November 6, 2020 Bowery Farming

Bowery, already a dedicated Maryland Food Bank produce donor, committed to donating to the organization one dollar per unit of Bowery Crispy Leaf Lettuce sold in the Mid-Atlantic region during Hunger Action Month (September 2020), up to $ 20,000.

The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Celebrates the Launch of the Blueberry Emoji

Fans of blueberries officially have a fresh way to share their love of their favorite berry: the new blueberry emoji was included in the latest set released by the Unicode Consortium and made available on devices this month.