Oceana Canada Report Reveals the Hidden Consequences of Canada’s Opaque Seafood Supply Chains

November 6, 2020 Oceana Canada

A report featuring new data from leading fisheries economists released today by Oceana Canada reveals that Canada’s weak seafood supply chain traceability standards are resulting in annual losses of up to $ 93.8 million in tax revenue and up to $ 379 million in revenue for Canadian seafood industry workers.

Experts Worry Coronavirus Will Cut Oyster Demand In Maryland

Maryland’s wild oyster season started in October, yet restaurants, watermen and others worry the coronavirus pandemic will stifle demand for the bay’s briny bounty.

SeaChoice Commends ASC’s Decision to Stop Making Changes to Standard Rules Behind Closed Doors

November 6, 2020 SeaChoice

SeaChoice welcomes the news that the Aquaculture Stewardship Council is going to open up its process for granting exemptions from standard requirements for the certification of farms. The ASC, one of the most recognized eco-certifications for farmed seafood, announced last week that it will stop making decisions on exemptions, termed ‘variances’, behind closed doors and instead seek input from civil society and technical experts.

Great Lakes Floral Association “Hugs & Smiles Bouquet” Consumer Promotion Campaign Huge Success

The Great Lakes Floral Association (GLFA) in collaboration with the Association of Flower Importers of Florida (AFIF), American Floral Endowment (AFE) Floral Marketing Research Fund, CalFlowers, and Asocolflores has created the “Hugs & Smiles Bouquet” consumer marketing campaign.

Deliflor Chrysanten Introduces New Baltazar Flame

November 6, 2020 Deliflor Chrysanten

Baltazar and Baltazar Intense are Deliflor varieties that are widely appreciated by florists because of their unique appearance and colour. A new variety will be added to this serie: the just as striking Baltazar Flame.