Converging Forces Make For Worst Upper Cook Inlet Season In Decades

Low prices, an oddly timed sockeye run and another year of very poor Kenai king returns combined to result in one of the worst Upper Cook Inlet commercial fishing seasons on record.

Maine Scallop Fishermen Will Have Same Harvest Limits This Season

November 11, 2020 The Associated Press

Maine’s scallop fishermen will be able to harvest the same amount of scallops under the rules for the coming season.

Smithfield Foods Launches “Helping Our Heroes” Initiative Supporting U.S. Veterans

November 11, 2020 Smithfield Foods

The program will encompass Smithfield’s three veteran-related focus areas: prioritizing veteran employment and career development; helping power veteran-owned businesses; and strengthening the community and family support systems that veterans rely on every day.

KY Governor Announces $ 2 Million in CARES Act Funds for Meat Processing Expansion

November 11, 2020 WBKO

Gov. Andy Beshear recently announced $ 2 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds will be allocated to the Governor’s Office of Agricultural Policy to help expand meat processing in Kentucky.

Federal Court Denies Motions to Dismiss Turkey Price-Fixing Case

November 11, 2020 JD Supra

On October 26th, Northern District of Illinois Judge Virginia M. Kendall denied three motions to dismiss a putative class action alleging that the nation’s leading turkey suppliers—including Butterball, Cargill, House of Raeford, Tyson, and Perdue—engaged in a conspiracy to fix the prices of turkey sold in the United States over a seven year period.