UC Riverside Discovers First Effective Treatment for Citrus-Destroying Disease

UC Riverside scientists have found the first substance capable of controlling Citrus Greening Disease, which has devastated citrus farms in Florida and also threatens California.

AquaBounty One Step Closer to Selling GMO Salmon; Fish to be Harvested Later This Year

A rural Indiana fish farm is one step closer to getting genetically engineered salmon to store shelves. The company is harvesting its first batch of Atlantic salmon helping prepare for its inaugural GMO fish production later this year.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Makes a Comeback

Back in April Red’s Best CEO Jared Auerbach started thinking about the upcoming Atlantic bluefin tuna season. He found some great news that he expected to be trumpeted by media outlets everywhere, but he couldn’t find so much as a mention.

Tough Spring Lobster Season on P.E.I. Comes to an End

July 10, 2020 CBC

The spring lobster season on P.E.I. ended July 4 after a late start on May 15, in a year when fishermen faced low prices and catch limits due to a shortage of labour in processing plants. But with demand growing locally and nationally, people in the industry hope for a rebound by next year.

Animal Welfare Audits Across Tyson Foods’ Poultry Business are Now Certified

July 10, 2020 Tyson Foods

Springdale, Ark. – Tyson Foods announced today it is the first company to receive audit certification for all poultry across its supply chain after its FarmCheck® Animal Welfare Program completed the certification of company-wide poultry audits