Foundation Food Group Appoints Bernard “B.J.” Svajg as Sr Vice President of Operations

July 26, 2019 Foundation Food Group

Foundation Food Group, Inc. (FFG), one of the nation’s most versatile independent further processing companies, today announced the appointment of Bernard “B.J.” Svajgl as their new Senior Vice President of Operations.

Fuchs North America Introduces “Charred: the Smoke & Fire Collection” of Seasonings, Bases & Flavors

July 26, 2019 Fuchs North America

This collection presents craveable seasoning blends for drinks, seafood, snacks and salsa. These items are also the starting point for food manufacturers and foodservice establishments to develop their own rich signature product offerings, with Fuchs’ culinary specialists at their side.

Dunkin’ to Add Beyond Meat Sausages in Breakfast Sandwiches

July 26, 2019 Reuters

The donut and coffee chain is the latest restaurant to join the vegan bandwagon by adding plant-based options, following Restaurant Brands International Inc’s Tim Hortons in Canada earlier this year.

Western Family Brand Original Wild Sockeye Smoked Salmon Nuggets Recalled

Delta Pacific Seafood Ltd. is recalling Western Family brand Original Wild Sockeye Smoked Salmon Nuggets from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described.

MA Lobster Bill Survives Budget Deal Legislation to Allow in-State Sale, Processing of Unfrozen, Shell-on, Lobster Parts

The legislation to allow the in-state sale, transport and processing of unfrozen, shell-on lobster parts — a persistent, years-long campaign by state Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr — has survived the Massachusetts Legislature’s conference committee and is contained in the $43.1 billion budget awaiting Baker’s approval or veto.