Get Ready for Fresh-Picked California Pears

Domestic pears will be back in season as California begins harvest in mid-July. This means that retailers and consumers can look forward to having fresh U.S. pears in their stores again instead of buying pears from other countries or from storage.

Ocean Mist Farms Celebrates Merchandising Success in New York

July 3, 2019 Ocean Mist Farms

Ocean Mist® Farms is proud to celebrate a significant increase in artichoke sales through strategic creative retail displays and well-executed promotions in partnership with Four Seasons Produce. In June, Four Seasons Produce worked directly withLexington Co-op Markets in Buffalo, NY to move thousands of Ocean Mist Farms artichokes in just five days.

The Mexican Avocado Industry Places First Historic Stone of New Headquarters

A new joint venture between Mexican and U.S. avocado growers and importers has broken ground on Casa APEAM. The Producers and Packers/Exporters of Avocado of Mexico (APEAM) are investing $12 million for the Project, which will house the corporate offices of APEAM, the local offices of the Mexican Department of Agriculture and Agrarian Development (Sader), the offices in Mexico of the Department of Agriculture of the United States (USDA), as well as a special research-and development avocado orchard, which will be used to improve production through technology.

Texas A&M Researchers Study Super-Repellent Surfaces for Safer Fruits, Vegetables

Texas A&M AgriLife Research and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, TEES, were recently awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to study and develop super-repellent and anti-fouling surfaces for foods.

Giumarra announces the passing of John G. Giumarra Jr.

July 3, 2019 Giumarra Vineyards

John was a talented leader and a powerful mentor. His many years of hard work, dedication, and passion for both Giumarra Vineyards, and as an industry advocate, will always be remembered. His ability to devote himself not only to his work life but to make his family a priority will serve as an inspiration for those following him. He worked hard, he played hard, and did it all with an admirable grace and zest.