A Celebration of LOVE at Keukenhof and Leiden with AMORE Petunia

May 6, 2019 Danziger

A special planting of AMORE™ Petunia took place early last week in Keukenhof, Netherlands. A unique cooperation between Danziger, Florensis, Imperial Plants and Bongartz brings the best flowers to the public. An area of 300 square meters will be planted with 7,500 plants of AMORE™ series – A mixture of AMROE™ Queen of Hearts, AMORE™ Pink Heart and the newest addition AMORE™ KING of hearts.

Will Selfies Save New York’s Flower District?

New York’s flower district, more than 100 years old and a home mostly to wholesalers, used to thrive like a jungle along Sixth Avenue. Now it is concentrated in just one block of West 28th Street.

AFE’s 2019 Fundraising & Recognition Dinner

AFE’s largest fundraising event of the year – the 2019 Annual Fundraising Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019, from 6 to 9 p.m. in Amelia Island, FL, in conjunction with the Society of American Florists’ Annual Convention.

Organic Valley Exceeds $ 1.1B in Sales for Third Consecutive Year, Solidifies Foundation for Future Growth

May 6, 2019 Organic Valley

“In a year when nearly 700 dairy farms went out of business in the state of Wisconsin alone, and market pressures continue to affect dairy farmers nationwide, Organic Valley brought on a remarkable 63 new members to the cooperative. Company leaders continue to emphasize that the cooperative is committed to maintaining its spirit of collaboration and using each other’s strengths to assure growth and success in 2019 and beyond.”

Sensor Can Detect Spoiled Milk Before Opening

May 6, 2019 Scott Weybright, WSU

Expiration dates on milk could eventually become a thing of the past with new sensor technology from Washington State University scientists.