APHIS Seeks Comment on the Importation of Fresh Jujube Fruit from China

March 25, 2019 USDA APHIS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has prepared and is accepting comments on a pest risk analysis regarding the importation of fresh jujube fruit from China into the continental United States.

Woodbridge International Closes Sale of Farallon Aquaculture de Nicaragua to Cooke Inc.

March 22, 2019 Woodbridge International

Woodbridge International, a global mergers and acquisitions firm, is pleased to announce the acquisition of its client, Farallon Aquaculture de Nicaragua S.A. (“Farallon Nicaragua”), by Cooke Inc., the parent of Cooke Aquaculture Inc.

Gulf Seafood Foundation Announces New Board Officers

The Gulf Seafood Foundation has announced a new slate of officers for 2019. Former Sysco Louisiana Seafood chairman Jim Gossen, a native of Lafayette, LA living in Houston, TX, will remain as the President of the organization formed to support and promote the high standards of the Gulf’s vast commercial and recreational fisheries industry.

The Seafood Category Is Distinct and Intriguing

March 22, 2019 Food Marketing Institute

What reveals the market potential for seafood at retail, given the diversity of products and varying availability and seasonality around the country? The Power of Seafood report – the first in FMI’s “Power of…” series to focus on seafood – shares that one underlying characteristic of seafood shoppers is their discerning nature.

AMSA 72nd RMC Innovation at the Cellular Level – Cell-Based Protein Speakers Announced

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is pleased to announce, Dr. Paul Mozdziak, Dr. Kate Krueger, and Brian Spears will be the featured speakers at the AMSA 72nd Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) Symposium entitled “Innovation at the Cellular Level – Cell-Based Protein,” on Monday, June 24 in Loveland, CO sponsored by Cargill. The AMSA 2019 RMC is co-hosted by Colorado State University and JBS USA Food Company.