Turtle Conservation Rules Cut Hawaii’s Swordfish Season Short for 2nd Year in a Row

A law protecting endangered sea turtles has cut Hawaii’s commercial season short for the second year in a row.

FSU Receives Grant To Restore Apalachicola Bay’s Struggling Oyster Industry

March 26, 2019 Shawn Mulcahy, FSU News

The 10-year project, dubbed the Apalachicola Bay Systems Initiative, will be housed at FSU’s Coastal and Marine Laboratory and will work to rehabilitate the community’s oyster industry.

Cod Fishermen Upend Carveout for Alaskan Villages

A federal judge cut the line Thursday on the government’s effort to promote sustainable cod-processing operations in a pair of Alaskan fishing villages.

Middle Meats: To The Grill And Beyond…

March 26, 2019 Beef Checkoff

For many consumers, their love affair with the great taste of beef is found in middle meats – cuts from the Rib, Loin and Sirloin.1 While Ground Beef, strips, cubes, end and minor primal cuts are also popular choices, consumer willingness to pay handsomely for the middle meat experience clearly confirms a special enthusiasm for these cuts.

Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser: The King of… Meat?

March 26, 2019 Rich Duprey, Motley Fool

The brewer has partnered with Coleman Natural Foods to produce smoked ribs, pulled pork, and bratwurst that are made with its beer in an attempt to lure millennial consumers back to the processed meat case. But how combining two products that millennials are separately spurning will benefit either one is a question that hasn’t been answered.