Envy Apple Wins USApple's 2018 'Munch Madness' Tournament

April 4, 2018 U.S. Apple Association

The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) is proud to announce that the Envy™ apple is the winner of the 2018 Munch Madness Tournament for the second straight year. Garnering more than 30,000 website views on AppleVsApple.com, 3,000 votes and hundreds of social media followers, USApple’s Munch Madness was once again a fan favorite throughout the month of March.

Despite Crop Damage, Florida Blueberry Growers Association Predicting A Good Year For Blueberries

The Florida Blueberry Growers Association (FBGA) is predicting a good year for blueberries despite a recent grower survey showing significant crop damage. Last week FBGA asked its members to respond to a survey reporting any crop loss they are seeing in their fields. With a third of the state’s acreage responding, 95 percent reported some level of damage.

Top Local Talent To Headline Entertainment Events And Activities At Viva Fresh Expo

The Viva Fresh Produce Expo returns to San Antonio in its fourth year, and brings with it a spectacular lineup of entertainment and activities for attendees.

Sun World Grants New Fruit Licenses In Italy

April 4, 2018 Sun World

Sun World Innovations has added two Italian grape companies, Orchidea Frutta and Salvi Group, to its list of licensees worldwide. The partnership with Sun World will allow Orchidea Frutta and the Salvi Group to expand their seedless grape production in a country where the majority of grapes are seeded and gives them access to domestic and international markets.

Apple Retails Up In February 2018 But Volume And Dollars Down

April 4, 2018 Stemilt Growers

The average retail price for apples rose slightly to $1.66 per pound in February 2018 when compared to the same time the year prior. Still, the average U.S. apple category’s dollar contribution to the produce department was a half percent down from February 2017 data. Stemilt’s latest Fruit Tracker Fast Factsvideo analysis of Nielsen retail scan data provides insights into the apple category’s performance during the shortest month of the year.